Thursday, July 23, 2015


Welcome to the Effective Writing Blog for ENGL 155, 177 and 189. These courses may be taken separately or as part of the English Language Proficiency Program. The goal is to increase the level of communication between students and instructors, and to provide students with an opportunity to communicate with each other and to practice the grammar and mechanics taught in these courses. If you post general questions about the assignments or the course, they will be addressed in the blog. If you have detailed questions you want answered, then e-mail your instructor.

Feel free to post comments and suggestions for how to improve this site. 


A hearty welcome to all the new students joining this course. We hope you enjoy your studies and have fun participating in this blog.

For information on how to participate, please contact the administrator.

IMPORTANT: This blog site is open to the public; do not post personal information that could identify you. Your first name and the initial of your last name are the only personal information you should post. Please watch this video from the Government of Canada about privacy and social networking issues.

Also, be sure to let your tutors know the nickname you have chosen for this blog; otherwise, they will not be able to give you the bonus marks that you have earned for your participation.

Next blog: Friday, August 14, 2015.


Everyone of the runners who are in the race are here but we can't get started with the first ones until you line up on a starting line.

1. Word form:

In this case, we need to use two words: "every one" -- or use "all" instead.

2. Redundant information:

The word "runners" refers to people who are in a race, so we don't need to repeat that information.

3. Subject-verb agreement:

If we use "every one", which is singular, the verb must be singular, too. That means we need to change "are" to "is". If we use "all" (instead of "every one"), we can keep the plural verb.

4. Pronoun reference:

Who or what does "ones" refer to? Presumably, it refers to the "race", so to avoid confusion, we should say that.

5. Pronoun reference:

Who does "you" refer to? The context of the sentence points to the runners. We can keep the pronoun, but the runners are "they" (not "you").

6. Article use:

There is only one starting line in a race, so we should use the definite article ("the") instead of the indefinite "a".

7. Punctuation:

When a coordinating conjunction such as "but" separates two independent clauses, we need to insert a comma before the conjunction.

Possible solution:

All the runners are here, but we can’t get started with the first race until they line up on the starting line.


Correct the errors in the following sentence:

A visitor to southeast asia must to remember taking their anti-malaria medicine regular to be affective preventing them from sickness and it would spoil the trip.

The solution will be posted in the next edition of the blog.


Solution to the previous puzzle:  

Rod - Cane
Front - Face
Story - Tale
Die - Crash
Shelf - Sill

New Puzzle:

Hint: Find the two words that fit the definitions below. The two words will be the same except for the extra letter at the beginning of the first word.

Example: A. Begin  B. Sour
Answer: Start and Tart.

Word A
Word B
stop doing
that thing
peculiar behaviour
subatomic particle
large boat
small game bird
to be unwell
large feather pen
unwell; faulty
nausea; uncomfortable
unit of liquid measure
product of creativity
misgivings; scruples
donations to the poor

*Note, the first person with the correct answer gets the bonus point.


There are three idioms that use the word insect:

Watch this video, and then write a sentence that uses one (or more) of these three idioms.

Try not to use the same idiom as the other posters.


Change the words in the sentence below as indicated.

Please change only the exact word in the sequence given. Each participant should build on the changes made by the previous participant.

For instance, if the original sentence is "Benson hurriedly told the bad news to his friends":

participant 1 could write "#1 Subject Noun: Michael hurriedly told the bad news to his friends";

participant 2 could then write "#2 Direct Object Noun: Michael hurriedly told the bad joke to his friends";

participant 3 could then write "#3 Indirect Object Noun: Michael hurriedly told the bad joke to his wife";


You are free to make as many changes as you wish. Just remember to number each change (and indicate the part of speech) so it is clear to everyone where we are on the list.

When all 7 changes have been made, return to the top of the list and continue.

Here is the sentence:

The happy little boy gave his father a big smile


1. subject noun

2. direct object noun          
3. indirect object noun                  
4. adjective(s)
5. adverb(s)    
6. verb name      
7. verb tense


The word stem super- (meaning "above") occurs in many words. 

Add an affix to this stem to make another word. 

Each participant should add a different word to the list.


Follow the instructions below to create three different sentences from the following clause:*

... football season has just begun ...

Sentence 1. Add a phrase      
Sentence 2. Add a dependent clause
Sentence 3. Add an independent clause

*Add your words to the beginning or end of the clause (but not both).


If the sentence is singular, change it to the plural; if it is plural, change it to the singular.

The football players were anxiously waiting for the games to start, but they were also nervous because they knew that scouts from the major leagues were there, and all the players wanted to make a good impression.


Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. 

Use the following two words in one sentence (note the parts of speech).

malaise (noun) and insidious (adjective).

To further improve your vocabulary, remember to check out the Word of the Day
The site also has word games and puzzles.


We can describe something unnecessary as superfluous.

Provide a synonym and an antonym for this word. Each participant should suggest a different word.


Write two sentences using the verb catch.

In the first sentence, use the word in the active voice; in the second sentence, use it in the passive voice.


Change the time in the following sentences by using a different verb tense and replacing any necessary time clues. Each student should choose a different verb tense.

Next weekend, I will go downtown and watch the Cariwest parade.  I will follow the parade route, listen to the music, and admire the fantastic costumes. With all the music and dancing, I'm sure it will be a fun-filled day!


Learning to combine ideas into more complex sentences is an important writing skill. There are many ways to do this. Try to combine the following three sentences.

Sentence 1: Western Canada is in the midst of a significant drought.
Sentence 2: The dry weather has contributed to many wildfires.
Sentence 3: Many people are hoping for rain.


Write a sentence using the vocabulary and grammar indicated.

Write a sentence with a dependent clause in the present progressive tense and an independent clause with the word "like" in the simple present tense.

Thursday, July 2, 2015


Welcome to the Effective Writing Blog for ENGL 155, 177 and 189. These courses may be taken separately or as part of the English Language Proficiency Program. The goal is to increase the level of communication between students and instructors, and to provide students with an opportunity to communicate with each other and to practice the grammar and mechanics taught in these courses. If you post general questions about the assignments or the course, they will be addressed in the blog. If you have detailed questions you want answered, then e-mail your instructor.

Feel free to post comments and suggestions for how to improve this site. 


A hearty welcome to all the new students joining this course. We hope you enjoy your studies and have fun participating in this blog.

For information on how to participate, please contact the administrator.

IMPORTANT: This blog site is open to the public; do not post personal information that could identify you. Your first name and the initial of your last name are the only personal information you should post. Please watch this video from the Government of Canada about privacy and social networking issues.

Also, be sure to let your tutors know the nickname you have chosen for this blog; otherwise, they will not be able to give you the bonus marks that you have earned for your participation.

Next blog: Friday, July 24, 2015.


For instant; the way in which the correspondents course differ then classrooms , is that the equipments' costs are very expensive  for  students are ought to have computer, internet, and another modern up to date things.

1. Word confusion:

The word we want here is "instance", which refers to an example or occurrence, not "instant" which is a very short period of time.

2. Article use:

There is more than one way for courses to differ, so we shouldn't use the definite pronoun ("the"). It would better to use "a" or "one" instead.

2. Comparison:

The items being compared need to be clear and comparable. In this case, we want to compare different kinds of courses, not a course and a classroom, so the wording needs to make this clear.

3. Word form:

"Correspondents" is the plural form of the noun. What we need is the adjective, "correspondence". Note also that "correspondent's" or "correspondents'" would be correct from a grammatical point of view, but would mean something quite different.

4. Number:

We could use either the singular ("course") or the plural ("courses"), but the items need to be comparable: "correspondence course/classroom course" or "correspondence courses/classroom courses".

5. Word confusion:

Do not confuse "then", which refers to what happens next, with "than", which we use to make comparisons. But here, we need another word entirely: "from". One thing can be "different than" another, but it "differs from" another.

6. Word form:

The word "equipment" modifies the noun "cost". We could use the adjective form ("equipment cost") or we could make it possessive ("the equipment's cost"). But we can't make it plural ("equipments"), so we cannot use the plural possessive ("the equipments' cost").

7. Verb use:

You do not need the auxiliary ("are") with the modal ("ought"). You can say "ought to have", but simplicity is usually better, so consider using the word "need" instead.

8. Number error:

There are several students, so there should be more than one “computer”.

9. Preposition:

In this sentence, "for" is being used as a conjunction (meaning "because"). But it sounds like a preposition ("expensive for students"), so it would be clearer if we used a different word ("because", "since", or "as").

10. Agreement error:

The word "another" is singular (literally, "an" other). But we need the plural form: "other".

11. Punctuation:

A semicolon is used between independent clauses when there is no coordinating conjunction. We should not use it after a phrase like "for instance". Use a comma instead.

You should not use a comma to separate the subject from its verb, so you should omit the comma before "is".

You should also hyphenate compound adjectives like "up-to-date".

12. Redundancy:

"Modern" means "up-to-date" so you don't need both words.

Possible solution: 

For instance, one way in which correspondence courses differ from classroom courses is that equipment costs are very expensive, as students need to have computers, internet, and other up-to-date things.


Correct the errors in the following sentence:

Everyone of the runners who are in the race are here but we can't get started with the first ones until you line up on a starting line.

The solution will be posted in the next edition of the blog.


Solution to the previous puzzle:  

Fat - Plump
Father - Create
Best - Top
Tear - Rip
Slopes - Hill

New Puzzle:

Now that we understand how to do these. Let's try it again. Remember, move a single letter from one word to the other to make a pair of synonyms, or near synonyms.

Example: Boast - Hip,
Answer: Boat - Ship.

1. Rode - Can
2. Font - Farce
3. Tory - Stale
4. Dire - Cash
5. Self - Shill

*Note, the first person with the correct answer gets the bonus point.


There are three idioms that use the word cat:

Watch this video, and then write a sentence that uses one (or more) of these three idioms.

Try not to use the same idiom as the other posters.


Change the words in the sentence below as indicated.

Please change only the exact word in the sequence given. Each participant should build on the changes made by the previous participant.

For instance, if the original sentence is "Benson hurriedly told the bad news to his friends":

participant 1 could write "#1 Subject Noun: Michael hurriedly told the bad news to his friends";

participant 2 could then write "#2 Direct Object Noun: Michael hurriedly told the bad joke to his friends";

participant 3 could then write "#3 Indirect Object Noun: Michael hurriedly told the bad joke to his wife";


You are free to make as many changes as you wish. Just remember to number each change (and indicate the part of speech) so it is clear to everyone where we are on the list.

When all 7 changes have been made, return to the top of the list and continue.

Here is the sentence:

My younger brother happily lent his best friend his new bicycle


1. subject noun

2. direct object noun          
3. indirect object noun                  
4. adjective(s)
5. adverb(s)    
6. verb name      
7. verb tense


The word stem -soph- (meaning "wise") occurs in many words. 

Add an affix to this stem to make another word. 

Each participant should add a different word to the list.


Follow the instructions below to create three different sentences from the following clause:*

... we saw the fireworks on Canada Day ...

Sentence 1. Add a phrase      
Sentence 2. Add a dependent clause
Sentence 3. Add an independent clause

*Add your words to the beginning or end of the clause (but not both).


If the sentence is singular, change it to the plural; if it is plural, change it to the singular.

My sisters’ friends went to various city parks to participate in the Canada Day celebrations. At some parks there were speeches by dignitaries. At others, there were special children’s events, complete with games, clowns, and face painting. Wherever they went, there were happy, flag-waving crowds of proud Canadians.


Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. 

Use the following two words in one sentence (note the parts of speech).

autonomy (noun) and discredit (verb).

To further improve your vocabulary, remember to check out the Word of the Day
The site also has word games and puzzles.


We can describe something that has been achieved as an attainment.

Provide a synonym and an antonym for this word. Each participant should suggest a different word.


Write two sentences using the verb celebrate.

In the first sentence, use the word in the active voice; in the second sentence, use it in the passive voice.


Change the time in the following sentences by using a different verb tense and replacing any necessary time clues. Each student should choose a different verb tense.

On July 1st, Canada Day, I will go down town and watch the parade that will go from City Hall to River Park. I will follow the parade to the park and watch the Citizenship ceremony that will take place in the afternoon. My neighbours will be getting their citizenship at this ceremony, and I will be there to congratulate them and celebrate this achievement with them.


Learning to combine ideas into more complex sentences is an important writing skill. There are many ways to do this. Try to combine the following three sentences.

Sentence 1: Canada Day fell on a Wednesday this year.
Sentence 2: The fireworks display was spectacular, but it started very late because of the long daylight hours.
Sentence 3: The July 1st holiday was a great way to start the new month.


Write a sentence using the vocabulary and grammar indicated.

Write a sentence using the word "drive" with a passive voice in the past perfect and the word "go" in the simple past tense.