Thursday, June 20, 2013

VOCABULARY, June 20th, 2013

Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. Use the following two words (note the part of speech) in one sentence that shows you understand the meaning of the words.

anachronism      (noun)   +      either   perverse      (adjective)      or      perversely      (adverb)


JOcelyn B said...

The antique telephone, although an anachronism, was perversely placed in an old shed; consequently, the damage incurred has significantly decreased it's monetary value.

Anonymous said...

Robert S. said.

The costume party was perversely anachronistic, I saw Gangghis Khan talking with Abraham Lincoln.

Vivien said...

The confused patient perversely but erroneously, claimed he had a CABG in 1930 which is an anachronism because he was born in 1960

Veronica Baig said...

JOCELYN: Excellent sentence:-)
ROBERT: I love the image:-)
VIVIEN: Yes, but what is a CABG??

Laurie M said...

I recently viewed a television series depicting life in the early 1900s that was full of anachronisms, but the most perverse incident was the late twentieth-century greenhouse prominently displayed on the first set.

Veronica Baig said...

LAURIE: Excellent sentence:-)

Unknown said...

Witnessing the male chauvinism of the club, my brother reacted perversely to the anachronism and refused to be a member.

LeighaM said...

The trail was perversely misleading, the anachronisms in evidence made it difficult to believe the defendant.

vivien said...

CABG is Coronary artery bypass graft I was trying to say he could not have had a heart attack before he was born. Sorry.