Thursday, July 23, 2015


Change the time in the following sentences by using a different verb tense and replacing any necessary time clues. Each student should choose a different verb tense.

Next weekend, I will go downtown and watch the Cariwest parade.  I will follow the parade route, listen to the music, and admire the fantastic costumes. With all the music and dancing, I'm sure it will be a fun-filled day!


Unknown said...

Last weekend, I went downtown to watch the Cariwest parade. I followed the parade route, listened to the music, and admired the fantastic costumes. With all the music and dancing, it sure was a fun-filled day!

kyle_hillier said...

Last weekend, I went downtown and watched the Cariwest parade. I followed the parade route, listened to the music, and admired their costumes. With all the music and dancing, it was a fun-filled day!

Michael said...

Well done, Mary.

Kyle, there are many verb tenses to choose from, so for these exercises you should try to select one that hasn't already been used by another student.