Congratulations to Leigha for being the first to solved the previous puzzle.
Previous puzzle:
Suggested answers
1. a. Barrier ............................ b.
2. a. Full amount..................... b. An opening................................Whole/Hole
3. a. Season.............................. b. Bury........................................... Winter/Inter
4. a. Roll around in mud.......... b. Permit ........................................Wallow/Allow
5. a. Females ........................... b. Prophetic sign.............................Women/Omen
6. a.Twist forcibly.....................b. Circular band..............................Wring/Ring
7. a.Being victorious.................b. Baseball game division...............Winning/Inning
8. a. One of the five W's............b. Head covering............................What/Hat
2. a. Full amount..................... b. An opening................................Whole/Hole
3. a. Season.............................. b. Bury........................................... Winter/Inter
4. a. Roll around in mud.......... b. Permit ........................................Wallow/Allow
5. a. Females ........................... b. Prophetic sign.............................Women/Omen
6. a.Twist forcibly.....................b. Circular band..............................Wring/Ring
7. a.Being victorious.................b. Baseball game division...............Winning/Inning
8. a. One of the five W's............b. Head covering............................What/Hat
Example: a. Begin b. Sour, acidic Answer: Start and Tart.
1. a. Outer layer..........................b. Oxidized metal
2. a. Defraud; violate rules.........b. Thermal energy in transit
3. a. Sensation of cold................b. Local land elevation
4. a. Go upward ........................b. Jointed appendage; branch
5. a. Strong metal rope............. b. Having necessary skill
6. a. Confined; restrained..........b. Old; grew older
7. a. Stop; discontinue...........b. Freedom from hardship
8. a. Lacking dirt........................b.
Lacking fat
1. crust rust
2. cheat heat
3. chill hill
4. climb limb
5. cable able
6. caged aged
7. cease ease
8. clean lean
JOCELYN: Congratulations:-)
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