Friday, January 31, 2014


Indefinite Pronouns and Agreement:

Words that sound alike but mean something entirely different:


Roland said...

When we are talking about indefinite pronouns, we are looking at different words that has similar meanings. Today, I am going to discuss about the words everybody and everyone; but, we also know that there could be more similar words in our English dictionary. According to a review from Quick and Dirty Tips website, the Grammar Girl is saying in using everybody or everyone would be your own choice. These words are classified as singular words and not plural. If I was going to use one of the words, I would pick ‘everyone’ because it sounds more formal.

Through another category of words, people can get mixed up with words that are pronounced the same but has a different spelling. On another link from Quick and Dirty Tips website, the Grammar Girl was talking about the words peak and peek. These words are pronounced the same, but they do have different meanings. According to the Grammar Girl, there is a way to distinguish between these two words. To her review, she explained a trick to recognize peek from peak. When we look at the word ‘peek’, we have two e’s; therefore, we can think about the two e’s like you was peeking at something with your eyes. When we look at the word ‘peak’, we have to think of the letter ‘a’. The letter ‘a’ would be reversed to the word ‘at’. In saying that, we could think about at the top of. This type of peak can be a peak of a mountain.

Michael said...

Thanks for those comments, Roland!