Friday, June 6, 2014


Correct the errors in the following sentence:

The exotic imported sports dark red car has been driving to fast when it'd skid of the road and the passenger too young women is injured serious.

Solutions will be posted in the next edition of the blog.


krisla Eng 155 said...

The exotic, dark red, imported sports car skidded off the road when it was driven to fast, causing the driver and passenger, both young women, to sustain serious injuries.

falalade said...

The exotic, imported, dark red, sport car was been driven too fast when it skidded off the road and the two young women passengers were seriously injured.

Swood177 said...

The exotic, imported, dark-red sports car skidded off the road while being driven too fast, seriously injuring the young, woman passenger.

jesses123 Eng 155 said...

The exotic, dark red, imported sports car skidded off the road when it was driven to fast causing the driver and passenger, both young women, to sustain serious injuries.

Michael said...

Good try, everyone!

Be careful just to edit the errors and not rewrite the entire sentence.

Michael said...

I will post the solution (and explanation) soon,