Friday, August 8, 2014


Change the time in the following sentences by using a different verb tense and replacing any necessary time clues. Each student should choose a different verb tense.

This weekend, I will go down town and watch the Cariwest parade.  I will follow the parade route, listen to the music, and admire the fantastic costumes. With all the music and dancing, I think it will be a fun-filled day!


lisaca59 said...

This weeken, I went down and watched the Cariwest parade. I followed the parade route, listened to the music, and admired the fantastic costumes. With all the music and dancing, I thought it was a fun-filled day!

jared189 said...

Today, I am down town and watching the Cariwest parade. I am following the parade route, listening to the music, and admiring the fantastic costumes. With all the music and dancing, I think it is a fun-filled day!

Michael said...

lisaca59, you didn't change the verb tense!

Great job, jared 189!