Friday, October 17, 2014


If the sentence is singular, change it to the plural; if it is plural, change it to the singular.

Many young children will eagerly ring the doorbells in their neighbourhoods on Halloween, while their parents stand on side walks shivering in the cold or sit in cars parked at strategic locations, watching the excited youngsters from a distance.  


Sofia M ENGL189 said...

A young child will eagerly ring the doorbell in our neighbourhood on Halloween, while the parent stands on a side walk shivering in the cold or sits in a car parked at a strategic location, watching the excited youngster from a distance.

Sarah K ENGL 155 said...

The young child will be eager to ring the doorbell in the neighborhood on Halloween,while their parent stands on the side walk and shivers in the cold or sits in a car parked at a strategic location,they watch the excited youngster from the distance.

Michael said...

Well done, Sofia!

There are a few errors in your response, Sarah. Note in particular the comma splice near the end.