Thursday, December 11, 2014


Change the time in the following sentences by using a different verb tense and replacing any necessary time clues. Each student should choose a different verb tense.

Yesterday, the Santa at the mall gave the child a cheap toy as a gift, and an elf took a photo of the child who sat on the Santa’s lap.


Eugenie C. 155 said...

Earlier today, the Santa at the mall was giving the child a cheap toy as a gift, and an elf was taking a photo of the child who was sitting on the Santa's lap.

JefersonC155 said...

On December 25, 2014, The Santa at the mall, will give every child a cheap toy as a gift, and an elf will take a photo of the child who sits on Santa's lap.

SabrinaD155 said...

Right now, the Santa at the mall is giving the child a cheap toy as a gift, and an elf is taking a photo of the child sitting on the Santa's lap.

Sarah K English 155 said...

Right now,Santa is at the mall giving the children cheap toys as gifts,and the elf has a photo of a child sitting on Santa's lap.

Michael said...

Well done, Eugenie and Sabrina!

Jefferson, your answer is correct. But be sure not to separate the subject from its verb with a comma.

Sarah, you answer is the same as Sabrina's, but introduces a serious grammatical mistake.