Thursday, February 5, 2015


Change the time in the following sentences by using a different verb tense and replacing any necessary time clues. Each student should choose a different verb tense.

Pancake Day is coming soon. We will celebrate by cooking a huge stack of pancakes. Some people may go out to eat, but we think the ones made at home taste best. Tradition calls for using lemon juice and sugar on top of the pancakes, but we'll add whatever we have available. The idea is to use up lots of good, rich ingredients before the start of Lent. 


Yosua Cervantes. said...

Pancake Day came soon. We celebrated by cooking a huge stack of pancakes. Some people went out to eat, but we though the ones made at home tasted best. Tradition called for using lemon juice and sugar on top of the pancakes, but we added whatever we had available. The idea was to use up lots of good, rich ingredients before the start of Lent.

JefersonC155 said...

Pancake Day had finally come. We had celebrated by cooking huge stacks of pancakes. Some people had gone out to eat, but we knew the ones made at home tasted better. Tradition dictates using lemon juice and sugar on top of the pancakes, but we had added whatever we had available. The idea had been to use lots of good, rich ingredients before the start of Lent.

Michael said...

Good work, Jeferson!

You, too, Yosua; but be sure that when you change to the past you don;t lose the original meaning.