1. Crust -> Rust
2. Cheat -> Heat
3. Chill -> Hill
4. Climb -> Limb
5. Cable -> Able
6. Caged -> Aged
7. Cease -> Ease
8. Clean -> Lean
Guess the words below, which contain the following letters in them: "BO"
Fill in the blanks using the list of letters below--use each letter once:
A, A, D, D, D, E, E, E, I, L, L, M, N, N, O, R, R, R, R, R, S, S U, V, W, Y
1. BO_ _ _
2. BO _ _ _
3. BO _ _
4. _ BO_ _
5. BO_ _ _
6. BO _ _ _ _
7. BO _ _ _ _
8. _ _ _ BO _
*Note, the first person with the correct answer gets the bonus point.
1. bosun
2. borne
3. body
4. above
5. board
6. bolder
7. borrow
8. limbos
I'll post the full solution soon.
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