Saturday, July 5, 2014


Solution to the previous puzzle:  

  1. Fat - Plump
  2. Father - Create
  3. Best - Top
  4. Tear - Rip
  5. Slopes - Hill

New Puzzle:

Now that we understand how to do these. Let's try it again. Remember, move a single letter from one word to the other to make a pair of synonyms, or near synonyms. 

Example: Boast - Hip, 
Answer: Boat - Ship.

1. Rode - Can

2. Font - Farce
3. Tory - Stale
4. Dire - Cash
5. Self - Shill

*Note, the first person with the correct answer gets the bonus point.


krisla Eng 155 said...

Rod, cane
front, face
story, tale
die, crash
shelf, sill

Shoya ENG177 said...

Rod - Cane
Front - Face
Story - Tale
Die - Crash
Shelf - Sill

Michael said...

krisla got the answer first. Well done!