Friday, September 18, 2015


Correct the errors in the following sentence:

Peter and me are needing knowing to who to address the letter before its written in it's envelope and than being posted by us too the company in the states.

The solution will be posted in the next edition of the blog.


jocelynp said...

Peter and I need to know who to address the letter to before it's written, stuffed in it's envelope, and then posted to the company in the States.

Sarah said...

Peter and I need to know who to address the letter to before it is written, and posted by us to the company in the States.

Rebecca J said...

Peter and I need to know who to address the letter to before it's written, put in it's envelope, and then posted to the company in the United States.

Unknown said...

Peter and I need to know the address of the company in the States, before we can mail the letter.

caitliniv said...

Peter and I need to know who to address the letter to, before it can be sent to the company in the States.

Michael said...

Great try, everyone.

I'll post the full solution soon!

trishp97 said...

Peter and I need to know who to address the letter to before it's written, put in its envelope, and then sent by us to the United States.