Friday, February 28, 2014


Change the words in the following sentence as indicated.

Canadians often play winter sports in the cold weather.

Please change only the exact word in the sequence given. Each participant should build on the changes made by the previous participant.

For instance, Participant 1 writes #1 Subject Noun, and changes the subject noun; Participant 2 writes #2 Direct Object Noun, and changes the direct object noun, etc.

Normally, I request that each participant make just one change at a time, following the order indicated below. But I don't remember the last time we actually made it to the end of the list, let alone started again from the top, so this time you are free to make as many changes as you wish. Just remember to number each change so it is clear to everyone where we are on the list.

When all 7 changes have been made, return to the top of the list and continue.


1. subject noun

2. direct object noun          
3. indirect object noun                  
4. adjective(s)
5. adverb(s)    
6. verb name      
7. verb tense


jenniferri25 ENGL155 said...

1. subject noun
Kids often play winter sports in the cold weather.

AlexandraD said...
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Michael said...

Good job, Jennifer. Too bad we didn't get further through the list...

Unknown said...

Kids often watch winter sports in the cold weather.

Michael said...

Good, but have a closer look at the instructions for next time, kris. Number 2 on the list in "indirect noun".