Friday, February 28, 2014


Vocabulary building is important for both reading comprehension and writing. 

Use the following two words in one sentence (note the part of speech).

subserviently (adjective)  +  malicious (adjective)

To further improve your vocabulary, remember to check out the Word of the Day
The site also has word games and puzzles.


Jess #ENGL155 said...

The maid remained subserviently calm towards her boss, though she truly felt malicious towards him.

krisla Eng 155 said...

Today the child behaved subserviently; before the child was medicated, he was very malicious towards animals.

Michael said...

Good effort, though I'm not sure that "subserviently calm" is quite correct.

And someone should have called me out for describing "subserviently" as an adjective!

It is an adverb, of course.