Friday, October 17, 2014


Follow the instructions below to create three different sentences from the following clause:*

… many young children come to my door on Halloween 

Sentence 1. Add a phrase      
Sentence 2. Add a dependent clause
Sentence 3. Add an independent clause

*Add your words to the beginning or end of the clause (but not both).


Kaz (Kazunori) Kikuchi said...

… many young children come to my door on Halloween …

Sentence 1. Add a phrase
Looking at my Halloween decollation outside of my house, many young children come to my door on Halloween.

Sentence 2. Add a dependent clause
Many young children come to my door on Halloween when I am having a dinner with my family.

Sentence 3. Add an independent clause
Many young children come to my door on Halloween, and they look very cute in their costumes.

Michael said...

Hi Kaz,

I'd just like to remind you again that if you post comments on older blog edition, I may not be able to respond.

Your second and third sentences are correct, but your effort to produce a participle phrase in the first sentence results in an error we call a "dangling participle.

There is a good explanation here: