Friday, October 31, 2014


If the sentence is singular, change it to the plural; if it is plural, change it to the singular.

While the other boys and girls knocked on doors and asked for treats this Halloween, my neighbours' children stayed at home because their parents did not believe it was appropriate for them to participate in a pagan festival that celebrated death and the occult. 


Sofia M, ENGL189 said...

While the other boys and girls knocked on doors and askec for treats this Halloween, my neighbour's child stayed at home because his parents did not believe it was appropriate for him to participate in a pagan festival that celebrated death and the occult.

Sarah K ENGL 155 said...

While the boy and girl knock on the door and ask for a treat on Halloween,your neighbour's child will stay at home because her parents do not believe it was appropriate for her to participate in a pagan festival that celebrates death and the occult.

Michael said...

Very good.

But I think you could have made a few more changes, Sofia.

And, Sarah, be careful to follow the instructions: it wasn't necessary to change the verb tenses.