Saturday, July 27, 2013


Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after (not both) to the clause below:

...Canada Day was a very special celebration for me...

Sentence 1: Add a phrase            
Sentence 2. Add a dependent clause    
Sentence 3. Add an independent clause


CurtisP155 said...

1. With six assignments done, Canada Day was a very special celebration for me.
2. Canada Day was a very special celebration for me as I was only sixty days away from finishing English 155.
3. Canada Day was a very special celebration for me; I spent all day working on my English 155 essay.

Jocelyn B said...

1. Phrase
Canada Day was a very special day for me this year.

2. Dependent clause
Canada Day was a very special day for me this year because my family was together.

3.Independendent clause
Canada Day was a very special day for me; however,everyday I spend with friends and family is special.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

1. As it is every year, Canada Day was a very special celebration for me.
2. Canada Day was a very special celebration for me because my daughter was old enough to appreciate it.
3. Canada Day was a very special celebration for me; my daughter said her first word.

LeighaM said...

This year, Canada Day was a very special celebration for me.

Dependent Clause
Canada Day was a very special celebration for me because I was visiting Parliament Hill.

Independent Clause
Canada Day was a very special celebration for me; in fact, I saw the fireworks at Parliament Hill.

Norma W. said...

Last month, Canada Day was a very special celebration for me.

Dependent Clause
Canada Day was a very special celebration for me when I went to the firework display.

Independent Clause
Canada Day was a very special celebration for me; I went to all the local event.

Unknown said...

1. Phrase
As a kid, Canada Day was a very special celebration for me.
2. Dependent Clause
Even though Canada Day was a very special celebration for me, I don't get excited anymore.
3. Independent Clause
Canada was a very special celebration for me growing up, and I look forward to July 1st every year.

syedya said...

Dependent clause
Canada Day was a very special celebration for me as I was going to make a speech at The Hilton Community Centre.

Tamara said...

Scott: Sentence #2 is a bit hard to follow because it changes from talking about a special day to one that's not exciting. The two phrases contradict one another. I think it's just a minor language use error. If you had said "Even though Canada Day used to be a special celebration for me ..." that would have worked better.

Syed: You got the dependent clause part right. If you add the other two sentences, you can earn full points.

Curtis, Jocelyn, Lana, Leigha, Norma: Thank you for your answers!

cathym said...

Tamara, I'm just testing the upload in response to a student question.