Thursday, December 10, 2015


Learning to combine ideas into more complex sentences is an important writing skill. There are many ways to do this. Try to combine the following three sentences. Do not use a semi-colon.

Sentence 1: We are well into December.
Sentence 2: The first snowfall of the season was weeks ago.
Sentence 3: It won't be long until the Christmas vacation.


ArzooA177 said...

Although we are well into December, the first snowfall of the season was weeks ago and it won't be long until the Christmas vacation begins.

tricicle said...

The first snowfall of the season was long before Christmas vacation, which starts well into December.

Michael said...

Good try, both of you. But your answers don't really reflect the logic of the original sentences.

Here is another possibility:

"We are well into December and the first snowfall was weeks ago, so it won't be long until the Christmas vacation."