Friday, November 29, 2013


Instructions: If the sentence is singular, change it to the plural; if it is plural, change it to the singular.

The Santa at the mall gave the child a cheap toy as a gift, and an elf took a photo of the child who sat on the Santa’s lap.


Sarahba50 (155) said...

The Santa's at the malls give children cheap toys as gifts, and elves take photos of the children who sit on the Santa's laps.

AlexandraD said...

The Santae at the mall gave the children cheap toys as gifts, and elves took photos of the children who sat on the Santae's laps.

Yosua ENGL155 said...

The Santas at different malls gave the kids cheap toys as gifts, and the elves took photos of the kids who sat on the Santa´s lap.

Michael said...

This was a bit of a tricky one. You have to watch your apostrophe use.

Santa becomes Santas

And because you've added an 's' to pluralize the noun, the possessive doesn't need another 's'.

So Santa's lap becomes Santas' laps.

Here is a link to help: