Friday, May 9, 2014


Correct the errors in the following sentence:

Samirs always been borrowing his red stylish sporty-looking newer car to his brother who’s lending it while his old battered rust-spotted white vehicle is in the garage for repairing.

Solutions will be posted in the next edition of the blog.


Kate M said...

Samir always lends his red, stylish, sporty-looking, new car to his brother who is borrowing it while his old, battered, rust-spotted, white vehicle is in the garage for repairs.

Unknown said...

Samir always lends his new red and stylish sporty-looking car to his brother, while his old battered rust-spotted white vehicle is in the garage for repairs.

SeanW117 said...

Samir's always lending his red, stylish, sporty looking, newer car to his brother who borrows it while his own old, battered, rust spotted, white vehicle is in the garage for repairs.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Samir lends his new red stylish sporty-looking car to his brother while his brother’s old battered car is in for repairs

Michael said...

Good effort, guys. But there are still some errors here.

I will post the solution tomorrow.