Thursday, November 12, 2015


Correct the errors in the following sentence:

Because you were giving Tony and I such bad instruction getting to you’re house; we could of gone the wrong way and ended up completely lost and being to late for the party.

The solution will be posted in the next edition of the blog.


jocelynp said...

Because you gave Tony and I such bad instructions to get to your house, we could have gone the wrong way, ended up completely lost , and been too late for the party.

Henry- Oluwafemi Agbaje said...

Because you gave Tony and I such bad instructions on how to get to your house, we could have gone the wrong way, ended up completely lost and too late for the party.

ArzooA177 said...
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ArzooA177 said...
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ArzooA177 said...

Because you gave Tony and I such bad instructions to get to your house, we could have gone the wrong way,ended up completely lost, and been late for the party.

Hamaad Hassan said...

Because you were giving Tony and I such bad instructions getting to your house, we could have gone the wrong way, ended up completely lost and ended up being too late for the party.

Rajwah Alq said...

Because you gave Tony and I such bad instruction to get to your house, we could of gone the wrong way, ended up completely lost, and been late for the party.

Michael said...

Good try, everyone. But I still see some errors in each answer!

I'll post the full solution soon.