Friday, April 4, 2014


Follow the instructions below to create three different sentences from the following clause.*

... This year I will celebrate Earth Day ...

Sentence 1. Add a phrase      

Sentence 2. Add a dependent clause
Sentence 3. Add an independent clause

*Add your words to the beginning or end of the clause (but not both).


krisla Eng 155 said...

1. This year I will celebrate Earth Day by not using my car as a mode of transportation.

2. Because I am becoming more conscientious of the environment , this year I will celebrate Earth Day.

3. This year I will celebrate Earth Day as it lands on a saturday instead of a week day.

restless said...

1. This year I will celebrate Earth Day at home.
2.This year I will celebrate Earth Day by walking to work.
3. This year I will celebrate Earth Day, but I will spend it alone.

Michael said...

Good try kisla. But your 3rd sentence actually incorporates a dependent clause because it uses "as".

Well done, restless.