Friday, April 4, 2014


Correct the errors in the following sentence:

The commentator said its the most unique program was skated at the competition and they are skating unbelievable therefore it hasn't been surprised that the audience have given them the standing ovation.

Solutions will be posted in the next edition of the blog.


krisla Eng 155 said...

The commentator said, "It was the most unique program that was skated at the competition, they are skating unbelievably," therefore, it was not a surprise that the audience had given them a standing ovation.

ENG155 Alal said...

The commentator said "The most unique program at the competition was skating". They skated unbelievably that the audience gave them a standing ovation.

Tanya Byrne Eng 155 said...

The commentator said, "it was the most unique program skated at the competition, and they skated unbelievably; therefore, it wasn't a surprise that the audience gave them a standing ovation".

Michael said...

Good try, everyone. But there are still errors to be found.

I will post the solution tomorrow.