Thursday, March 31, 2016


Learning to combine ideas into more complex sentences is an important writing skill. There are many ways to do this. Try to combine the following three sentences. Do not use a semi-colon.

Sentence 1: Many people in Canada are looking forward to spring.
Sentence 2: Spring is particularly appreciated in a country where most people experience a very long a long winter.
Sentence 3: This winter has seemed longer than most, with snow still on the ground in many places.


The Berg said...

This winter has seemed longer than most, with snow still on the ground in many places, which is why many people in Canada are looking forward to spring, moreover spring is particularly appreciated here because most people experience a very long winter.

Unknown said...

We have experienced a long winter here in Canada (longer than most) and many are looking forward to spring, though snow is still on the ground in many places.

Michael said...

Logan, you used a comma splice before "moreover".
Jaquelyn, I think you have changed the meaning of the sentence a little too much.

Here is a possible solution:

"Spring is particularly appreciated in a country where most people experience a very long winter, and this winter has seemed longer than most, with snow still on the ground in many places, so many people in Canada are looking forward to spring."